We are celebrating our 30th year of supporting Lawrence Township public school teachers and schools (LTPS), and YOU have helped make 2021 one of the best yet! After the extreme challenges of the past year and a half, we have come back even stronger. Through it all, we have remained dedicated to funding important educator grants and you have made that possible. In the past 30 years, together we have contributed nearly $4.3 million to fund 1,055 grants in Lawrence Township Public Schools.


The LTEF raises funds from individuals, local businesses, corporations, and foundations for programs that foster excellence, creativity, and achievement in education for all students in Lawrence Township Public Schools. Through grant requests from teachers and school administrators, the LTEF funds programs that will have a substantial and lasting impact on LTPS students.

Thanks to your past generosity, in the 2020-2021 academic year,

the LTEF gave $143, 795 to LTPS for 54 grants.

Dr. Andrew Zuckerman, LTPS Assistant Superintendent

“The LTEF is an amazing organization. Their grant funding has provided countless opportunities for teachers to use their creativity to meet the instructional needs of their students in an engaging and meaningful manner. As the liaison between the foundation and the district, I am honored to work with the LTEF. Their dedication to the students of our district is a benefit to our students, our district and our community.”





The LTEF changed its fiscal year to June 30th during the 2020-2021 academic year. The income & Expense charts above represent 9 months of activity for the fiscal year ending june 30, 2021.

(October 2020 - June 2021).






Public education continues to face unprecedented challenges as our school leaders, teachers, and students navigate the COVID19 pandemic. Despite the issues that we also face as a nonprofit organization during this difficult time, the LTEF has remained dedicated to funding important educator grants. This past year’s funding included projects that improved both remote and in-person learning, promoted connection during this period of isolation, and kept the mind, body, and spirit healthy. After the extreme challenges of the past year and a half, we have come back even stronger in 2021-2022!


We're so proud of what we continue to achieve, together.
Exhibits from a few grants are included below.

Click on the photos above and hover over each for more information about the grant.

View a complete list of grants awarded here.



The pandemic exposed existing inequities in education and created challenges for educators, students, and families. This past year, LTEF funded $40,000 in support structures for students and classrooms, helping to ensure equal access to vital resources. This enabled schools to advance their learning goals through audio equipment for remote instruction and flexible seating options for classroom learning. A renewed focus on social-emotional wellbeing and belonging helped students see themselves reflected in the curriculum, develop coping skills and empathy, and be empowered through positive thinking. Explore a complete list of grants, including those that benefit equity and inclusion initiatives.

STEM (Science, technology, Engineering & mathematics) Training & Programming

During the past year, we received fewer direct STEM requests as pandemic needs have drawn funding to other areas. However, we are excited to announce that Slackwood Elementary’s New STEAM and Media Center opened this summer! We look forward to continuing to fund important STEM initiatives as STEM returns to the LTPS classroom this academic year. Teaching STEM in our schools is critical to the development of our children as it helps to teach problem-solving, helps close the gender gap, and develops practical preparedness. Explore a complete list of grants, including those that benefit STEM education initiatives.

Arts & Cultural Enrichment

While arts and cultural education provide a window into entertainment and opportunities for enrichment, they are an essential opportunity for our students to engage in a broader context with the potential for deep and profound meaning. During the past year, the pandemic has created new challenges for arts and LTEF has helped teachers adapt and overcome. LTEF funding ranged from technology upgrades for students to sing together even when they are apart, equipment for when they returned, and scripts for theater productions. Supporting these programs helps create positive social environments which have proven results in greater civic participation and gradual residency growth; reduction of the neighborhood, ethnic, and class divisions; and decreases truancy, delinquency, and poverty rates. Explore a complete list of grants, including those that benefit ARTS education initiatives.

Classroom Technology & Resources

During the Pandemic years of 2020 and 2021, our dedicated educators asked for numerous technology solutions to help them pivot to non-traditional and remote teaching environments. LTEF answered that call by providing over $100K in grants for classroom technology and resources throughout the district. This helped students and teachers overcome the challenges of the health crisis, and continued to promote excellence in education in LTPS. Explore a complete list of grants, including those that benefit Classroom Technology and Resources initiatives.

Jeanne Muzi, Principal of Slackwood Elementary

Jeanne Muzi, Principal, Slackwood Elementary

“When I think about the LTEF, I really think about possibilities. This is an Ed Foundation that believes in teachers’ ideas and is always there to say, ’Yes, why not!?’ And that is evident here in this incredible new STEAM and library space.”

As our impact has continued to grow, we are challenging ourselves as well as our supporters with a renewed drive for the next decade: continue to foster educational excellence, creativity, and achievement in every Lawrence Township public school AND reach $6 million in contributions to LTPS by 2031. We have tremendous confidence that we can and will accomplish this goal but we cannot do it alone. Our supporters and educators are our most vital assets, and we call upon you now to strengthen our collective impact. Please consider making a special 30th-anniversary gift to the LTEF. Give a gift of any size today by mail or donate online at www.LTEFNJ.org

With your investment, the LTEF will continue to fund amazing grants that enhance the school experience for our students. Together we will meet this new goal of making an even greater impact in our school system.

Please give a gift of any size today.

Thank you for your ongoing support. Best wishes for a safe and healthy 2022.

2020-2021 GranTEES

(Spring 2021 Grant Recipients Pictured Above)

Amy Amiet

Joelle Atkinson

Bridget Baill

Jay Billy

Jeff Berry

Alyssa Bloomberg

Tracy Bozarth

Kristin Burke

Patricia Burns

Gabrielle Casieri

Jeanne Cavanaugh-Todd

Melissa Clark

Jennifer Cline

Eileen Cramer

Ewa Elliott

Cheryl Eng

Alexis Esposito

Kimberly Finochiaro

Frank Giffone

Rebecca Guenther

Maureen Hayes

Jessica Heller

Jennifer Holmes

Kristin Hopson

Mandy Johnson

Veena Juroshek

Colleen LaFlamme

Michelle Liwacz

Randy Longwill

Judy Lopez

Sabrina Lucchesi

Charlotte Lucey

Abbey Mason

Mindy Milavsky

Linda Miller

Stacey Moore

Lori Wilson

Jeanne Muzi

Kim O’Boyle

Melanie Parker

Bess Ploener

Kayla Potena

Andrea Potocny

Dawn Recentio

Sharin Rello

Karen Rubinstein

Justin Schleider

Erika Smoots

Ashleigh Tangen

Irene Tarasov

Andrew Zuckerman



THANK YOU TO OUR 2021-2022 Annual Sponsors!


Donations listed below were received during the previous academic year (between September 1, 2020 and August 31, 2021). Please contact us if you were inadvertently omitted from the list.

Please note that ticket sales are not included in this list, but we appreciate your support.



Patricia Beaber

Bristol Myers Squibb

Carol & Mark Connelly

Rabindranath Dash

Church & Dwight

Henricus & Susan Driessen

John Gutman & Liz Duffy

Educational Testing Service

Cheryl & Allen Gorski

Margaret & Harold Gronenthal

Albert Hamm

Fiona & William Humphreys

Investors Bank Foundation

Jammer Doors

Lawrenceville School

Chris & Audrey Maest

Mauser Packaging Solutions

Malik & Tabitha McKinley

Brian & Christine O'Reilly

Philadelphia Insurance Companies

Robert Polakowski

Premier Dental Arts


1911 Smokehouse BBQ

Pat Beach

Kay & Kelly Bidle

Michael & Michele Bowes

Paula & John Covello

Buxton Complex

Amy Davis & John Boccanfuso

Amy & Conrad Druker

BENEFACTORS continued…

George Dusichka

Veselka Dusichka

Casey & Karen Faiman

Jane & Theodore Fetter

Fluid Physio LLC

Fotobuddy Photography

Laurel & Steve Goodell

Steve & JoAnn Groeger

Eleanor Horne

Jenn & Michael Hsiao

Michael & Delaine Jodoin

Kazin Family

Michelle King

Steve & Nina Laubach

Lisa & Dan Lavery

Lawrenceville Beverages LLC

Suzanne & Lance Maloney

Nancy Maloney, Coldwell Banker Realty

Mayflower Ave. Neighbors

Russell McTague

Metamorphosis Agency

Mindy Milavsky

Liz Miller

Manuel & Cynthia Montes

Jennifer Polakowski

Poulson and Van Hise

Steven Prentiss

Mark & Michelle Pressman

Radiology Affiliates

Meryl & Robert Rothenberg

John & Chris Schafer

Jim & Carolyn Sienicki

BENEFACTORS continued…

Silly Grin Studios

Debbie & Jeff Silver

Courtney Smiles-Haggerty

Robin Smith

Rick & Kathie Smith

Raman Sundararajan & Buvaneswari Raman

Cat Taeffner

Karen & James Takasugi

Christine & Edward Tarby

Andrew & Jane Tunnard

Dennis & Laura Waters

Jessica Welsh

Theresa & Jay Wrobel

Jon Zoll

PARTNERS $100-$179

Buphendra & Mohinder Bathala

Jay Billy

Anne Casale

CBIZ Borden Perlman

Fozia Chaudry

Michael & Ivy Cohen

DeFelice Family

Rebecca Doherty

Eggert Aquatics

Nancy Feldman

Kimberly Gelb

Lynette Glenn

Dan & Janice Haggerty

Hines' Enterprises Lawrenceville Inc.

Fran & Doug Hulette


Jeff & Ulrike Johnson

Karen & Bruce Kaplan

Wendy & Theodore Kapnek

Richard Kraeuter

Kathryn Lamb

Meredith & Hugh Lavery

Lawrenceville Home Improvement

League of Women Voters of Lawrence Township

Dorothy Lin

Kate Luckey

Dr. Mark McDonough

Shawn & Angela Maxam

Daniel & Maria Claudia McGuiness

Viviene McNamara

Mercer Council on Alcoholism & Drug Addiction

Jeanne Muzi

April Oliver

Christopher & Marcie Ordowich

Princeton Integrative Health

Douglas Raichle

Thomas & Janet Ritter

Dale & Kathy Robbins

Lisa Roche

Alberto Rodriguez

Eleanor Sannella

Ramanathan Subramanian

Kimberly & Kevin Van Hise

Rocco Varra

Daniel Wilson

Andrew Zuckerman

PROVIDERS ($50-$99)

1st Constitution Bank

Lisa & Ben Adler

Amy Amiet

Ana Azhir

Michele & Dan Ben-Asher

Jeff Berry

Fred & Carolyn Brehm

Tom & Jenn Byrnes

Cahill Family

Melissa Clark

Janet & Howard Cohen

Tim Corcoran

Alyson Costello

Theresa Daniels-Hester

Felicia & Mario DeVincenzi

Pat Devlin

Peggy DiTommaso

Cheryl Eng

Pepper Evans

Every Child Valued

Elizabeth Farletta

Alyson Fischer

Franklin Corner Dental Associates

Mark French

David & Krista Gervon

Bonne & Michael Giglio

Lori & David Glauberman

Mardoqueo Gonzalez

Hair Theory Salon

Melissa Harbaugh

Katherine Hindman

Shelley Holt

Rebecca & William Horne

Maren Horne

Bina & Anthony Indelicato

Hilary & Ira Jersey

David Kelley

Larissa Klein

Laurie & Michael Knab

David & Tracy Kocsis

Kona Ice NJ

Bijay & Sharon Kuwar

Lawrence Main Street

Cathleen & Paul Lewis

Chin & Luqing Liu

Melissa Lockett

Stacey & Michael Mann

Sharon Mark

Mercer Childrens Dentistry

Mercer County Computer Service

Mercer Group Landscaping LLC

Mom's Creative Memories

Alan & Madeline Monheit

John & Dawn Monsport

Jared & Cathleen Morgan

NJ Lifeguard, LLC

Mary Pancoast

Don & Obeua Persons

Maria Ream


Sharin Rello

Sandra Rex-Rabe

Cory Rutt

Tony & Colleen Sarthou

Donna Scardelletti

Paul Schindel

Anita Shah

Brenda Silver

Lisa Snyder

Richard & Susan Steen

Stephen Szucs

TGA Premier Sports

The Point of Learning

Chris Thern

Three Bears Communications

Stefanie Tziarri

Kelly Valli

Stacey VanMetre

Thomas Waldron

Natalie Winsor

Woolley Training and Consulting

Dr. Barry N. Wasserman

FRIENDS $25-$49

David Adam

Lori & Dave Boggs

Eileen Bright

Tammy Caloiaro

James & Joanne Cordingley

Jonathan & Karen Dauber

Pamela Deriso

Sheetal Dewan

Cari & Charles Gallagher

Benjamin & Jenn Gering

Judy & Mike Gilbert

Charles & Karen Golden

Donna Hastings

Dorothy Hill

Elise Hobson

Michele Immordino

Feriza Irmer

Vanessa Jerez

Francine Jonas

Henry & Jennifer Jones

Christine Kelly

Deborah & Paul Kimaid

Joanne Koellner

Ronald & Sonia Kraemer

Alison Levandowski

Donald & Polly Little

Jennifer Mahler

Charles & Elizabeth McCall

Stephanie McHugh

Kim McNear

Kesavan & Jyoti Menon

Maureen & Joseph Mutinsky

Susan Olman

Cynthia Reagan

Karen Rubinstein

John & Linda Ryan

Christopher Salgado


Joyce Scott

Diane & Ken Senerth

Cheryl Simone

Anthony & Patricia Staltari

Sharon Stoneback

Lori & Scott Tennant

Richard & Megan Tepper

Bill & Ann Walker

Carol Welsch

Richard & Valerie Whittaker

Marni & Andy Zevon


Academy of Natural Science Drexel University

Adventure Aquarium

Lauryn Ahearn, The Live Painter

Sherri Ahlers

AmeriKick Martial Arts

Kathie & Roy Baldassari


Kathy Bannon

Ben Franklin Swim Club

Taylor Blanchard

Boggs Barrett Soccer Camp



Christina Johnson & Rebecca Jonas

Church & Dwight

Patrizia Cifelli

Kelly Cleland & Charles Snellings

Club Pilates

Cobblestone Creek

Mary Angela Costabile


Crayola Experience

Katie Cruser

Nicole Curtis

Theresa Daniels-Hester

Amy Davis

Maria Delaney

Deputy Dawg

Sheetal Dewan

Judy Dill

Barbara DiLorenzo

Empower Yoga

ESF Camps

Karen & Casey Faiman

Brooke Fitzgerald

Five Star Swim School

Jamie Greenfield

Lynn Grodnick

Gordon Haas

Hair Theory Salon

Peggy Halls

Hilton Garden Inn

Katherine Hindman

Alexandra Holmok

Honor Yoga Pennington

Carrie Hotchkiss

Brittney Idland


Julia Immordino

Inn at Glencairn

Inner Drive Hoops

Inspired Edge

Jenkinson's Boardwalk

Jerry's Artarama

Jim's of Lambertville

Lawrence Art & Frame Gallery

Liberty Lake Day Camp

Liberty Science Center

Longwood Gardens

LSA Swim Club

Lucinda Luttrell

Suzanne Maloney

Debra Margolis

Kristin McCartthy

Mary Jane McCluskey

Leah McNeill


Mercer County Park Commission

Barbara Molony

Dawn Monsport

Music Mountain Theatre

Nivi Arts

NY Giants

Oriental Trading

Yvette Panasowich

Philadelphia Eagles

Philadelphia Museum of Art

Photography by Fabienne


Princeton Artist Brush Co.

Neal Pronek

Carolina Roe-Raymond

Real Central NJ

Katherine Ross

Meryl & Robert Rothenberg

Lizzie Salita

School of Rock


Sesame Place

Kelly Shenouda

SiriOm Singh

Michelle Spark

Drue & Phoebe Stapleton

Kelly Sullivan

Megan Tepper

Terra Momo Bread Company

The HoneyBaked Ham Co. of Lawrenceville

The Village Salon

The WaWa Foundation

TJ Maxx

Tranquility Den Massage

Trenton Thunder

Tumbles Princeton

Turning Point of Princeton


Wellness Dermatology

Jessica Welsh

Rebecca Zegas

Susan Zief


Karen Faiman, Executive Director


Vessy Dusichka - The Pew Charitable Trusts, President
Charles Snellings - Church & Dwight, Co-VP
Drue Stapleton - Rider University, C0-VP
Elizabeth Miller - Mauser USA, LLC (retired), Treasurer


Kathie Baldassari - LTPS, Retired Pat Devlin - LTPS, Retired
Bonne Giglio - The Watershed Institute Lynette Glenn - Berkshire Bank
Jennifer Hsiao - Educational Testing Service
Kim McNear - Anchor House
Jeremy Ryan - Metamorphosis Agency, LLC
Carolyn Sienicki - The College of New Jersey
Catherine Taeffner - Princeton University Andrew Tunnard - New Jersey Department of Transportation Jessica Welsh - The Lawrenceville School


Karen Faiman - Lawrence Township Education Foundation
JoAnn Groeger - Lawrence Township Board of Education
Cathleen Lewis - Township of Lawrence
Stephen Murray - The Lawrenceville School
Rita Nini - Educational Testing Service
Andrew Zuckerman - Lawrence Township Public Schools 
Ross Kasun - Lawrence Township Public Schools

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Additional credits:
Some vector images by Vecteezy