30 Grants from 30 Years
Happy 30th Birthday, LTEF!
We are celebrating 30 years with YOU! We will be sharing new videos each week through the end of the 2021-2022 school year. You will hear directly from grant recipients and students who benefited from these grants (including current and former students, teachers, and administrators).
Made possible by YOU!
We’re so proud of the impact of these grants and the opportunities provided to our children as students. They are funded by YOU: the parents, grandparents, teachers and administrators, small and large businesses, and community members. Please make a gift so that we can continue to provide the necessary and amazing grants, dreamt and developed by LTPS teachers and administrators.
- Nathan Tepper, LIS, and LTEF Win Together
- Dr. Mindy Milavsky reflects on 20+ years of grants and partnership with the LTEF
- Reading Madness
- 1000+ Grants (and Counting) with Andrew Zuckerman
- Travel the World in VR, from the Classroom
- Outdoor Learning at Ben Franklin
- A.I.R. and Students' Mental Health
- Music and STEM Tech
- Maker Space with Melissa Lockett
- Student Creators with Jon-Erik Stamatelos
- BONUS: Library & Media Grants with Ewa Dziedzic-Elliott
1. Brearly House Archaeology
The archaeological dig at the Brearly House has yielded numerous rewards and was a significant collaboration between Lawrence Middle School, the Lawrence Township Department of Recreation, the Lawrence Historical Society, and the Lawrence Township Education Foundation (LTEF).
Four grants in total and the Brearly House project they helped to fund produced an innovative vehicle for teaching Lawrence Township eighth-graders about history, through archaeology and hands-on research using primary sources. The project also gained coverage from local newspapers and television stations and earned the Lawrence Township department of Recreation recognition by the New Jersey Recreation and Park Association.
1997-98 $23,308
1998-99 $7,600
1999-2000 $4,000 x 2
Total: $38,908
2. Passion Fridays / Specials Shining
Students are often inspired to pursue passions, activities, and careers built from their interests in special subject areas such as art, music, technology, Spanish, physical education, health, and enrichment (creative thinking skills).
Lifelong passions for many people are sparked from one of these secondary fields of study, yet students only see that specialist teacher for a limited time during their education. This is especially true during our virtual and hybrid learning world. This grant celebrates the "specials" that inspire creative thinkers and world-changers. LIS students engaged in virtual learning opportunities with leaders in the fields of art, music, healthy bodies, technology, creative thinking, storytelling, illustration, and anti-bullying education.
2020-21 $3,000
3. Slackwood School Library Media Zone and STEAM Center
Jeanne Muzi is the Principal of Slackwood Elementary School and former Teacher of the Year for the State of New Jersey. With a substantial grant from LTEF in 2018-2019, Mrs. Muzi led a transformation of Lawrence Township Public Schools’ oldest building in the district. Generous gifts by our donors were used to create a state-of-the-art STEM space that has positively impacted the student and teacher experience at Slackwood school.
"The impact of this grant on our students has been tremendous and because of the LTEF’s generous support for this enormous project, every student who attends Slackwood School for years to come will benefit. This grant provided for all new furniture, interactive whiteboards, chrome books, and tons of STEM and STEAM books and materials. Our Library Media Zone and STEAM Center has given our students a space to cultivate new ideas, strengthen their problem solving and empower them as questioners and thinkers. Transforming the lower level of Slackwood School from a small, dark, under-used floor into a bright, engaging, modern space has changed more than a building.
The LTEF has partnered with us to provide a setting that supports learning, provides experiences, and truly ignites the potential our Slackwood students possess.
Personally, each LTEF grant I have been involved with has pushed me to grow as an educator. Whether diving into environmental science with the Streamkeeper project or watching amazing autobiographical books being created for the Milestone Books grant, being involved with the LTEF has changed how I approach learning. Each grant is always an amazing opportunity to work with colleagues, students, families, and the community. When you are figuring out how a grant project can be implemented and you have an educational foundation that says 'Why not!' unique learning experiences can be actualized for our LTPS kids across the district.
To me, the LTEF is all about possibilities! Teachers have incredible ideas and the LTEF helps bring them to fruition! The LTEF is open to brainstorming, out of the boxing and moon shots! The impact of the LTEF is felt every day and our students have grown academically, socially, and creatively from every grant project that has been implemented!"
Jeanne Muzi
Principal, Slackwood Elementary School" -
2018-2019 $100,000
4. Encouraging Limited English-Speaking Families to Read to Children
Diversity is one of many proud characteristics of our community. As an elementary school teacher with a passion for teaching reading, Mrs. Jane Tunnard received a generous grant in 2006-2007 from LTEF to purchase children's books in various languages.
This enabled parents who do not speak English as their primary language to read with their students and foster a love of reading at an early age.
2006-2007 $7,000
2014-2015 $1200
5. Grants to Support Reading and Literacy
Reading Ripples in the Pond
Reading Ripples to Writing Ripples
A Step and a Reach to Literacy
Reading Ripples in the Pond Reading Ripples to Writing Ripples A Step and a Reach to Literacy Teacher training in creating a balanced writing program; Professional development in literacy for all K-2 teachers by Darla Wood Walters.
Mr. Jeff Berry is one of Lawrence Township Public Schools' most passionate and beloved educators. He is also passionate about mentoring new teachers. Back in 2004-2005, Mr. Berry received a generous grant from LTEF to bring in a "teacher's teacher," Ms. Darla Walters into his class with a program called ""Reading Ripples to Writing Ripples"" which enhances language arts skills. This grant had a significant impact on Mr. Berry and, almost 20 years later, he received another grant to bring Ms. Walters back to Lawrence to hopefully make an impact on the teachers just starting their careers.
2002-03 $6,740
2004-05 $5,115
2020-2021 $5,000
6. Thirteen Years of STEAM Grants for LTPS
Thirteen years between two schools has resulted in countless opportunities for students in arts education. Hear from Amy about the lasting impact created by an artist-in-residency program and other engaging exposures to the arts.
Celebration of the Arts, 2006-2007
Celebrate You & Me, 2008-2009
EPS Falcon, 2014-2015
STEM Outside Learning Environment, 2016-2017
Enhance and Refurbish the F.A.L.C.O.N. SPACE, 2019-2020
7. Chess at LIS
Jessica Heller, House Leader and Teacher of Enrichment at Lawrence Intermediate School, shares her experience of bringing chess to LIS on a big scale!
The game of chess teaches lots of skills, including strategizing, abstract thinking, sportsmanship, patience, and calmness under pressure. Hundreds of LIS children have learned a basic game of chess while practicing these important life skills. We want to thank Lawrence Township Education Foundation for providing this opportunity to our students.
Chess on the Playground, LIS, 2009-2010, $2,132
Chess Success, LIS, 2011-2012, $2,000
Chess on the Playground (Refresh), 2014-2015, $1,200
Outdoor Chess for Kids, EPS, 2019-2020, $1,075
8. Chess in 3rd Grade
“Congratulations LTEF for 30 years of supporting the students and teachers of Lawrence! You have funded so many wonderful programs over the years. My favorite was our Chess grant for 3rd graders. We received a grant for these chess sets over 15 years ago and have been using them to teach 3rd graders to play ever since.”
We decided to teach the children chess because it is a game played all over the world which can be played throughout their lives. But chess is also a game that teaches kids to slow down, plan, problem-solve, and look at all their different options. We feel these are skills that can transfer to all areas of their learning. This one grant has touched over a thousand children through all these years. So, thank you LTEF and we wish you another 30 years of success!”
2003-2004, $810
2005-2006, $978
2011-2012, $2,000
9. Learning Through Listening
Jessica Heller shares her program, “Learning Through Listening,” where LTEF funded quality headphones for all 4th grade students at LIS so that students may clearly hear classroom audio.
2017-2018 $3,661
10. Music Commissions for Our Student Orchestra
Melissa Clark shares reflections on her partnership with LTEF and, specifically, two grants that support the music program at Lawrence Township Public Schools — including one commission from an alumnus!
2016-2017 $2,715
2018-2019 $1,900
11. Bit By The Bug

"The LTEF has helped me make many of my science dreams come true. I have written many grants that have been used for field trips as well as science supplies for great activities that the students have enjoyed. Because of lack of school funding for many of the "extra" fun activities, I turn to the LTEF…
… for the money to make those activities a reality. They are always willing to work with me and offer suggestions that will help make it more useful to the students and the district. I look forward to writing many more grants for LMS that will benefit all of our students from many different walks of life and academic levels."
Tracy Bozarth applied for her first grant in 2007 -- copies of a compelling novel that supported students' exploration of environmental issues. She was so proud of the grant's acceptance and impact on her students that she applied for one nearly every year thereafter. In 2008-2009, she earned a grant for calculator-controlled robots. While a scheduling change prevented the students from using them for their intended use, Bozarth launched a Mad Scientists after-school club instead. As time went on, she focused her attention on activities and experiences that were portable in terms of time and space, and that would provide a lasting impact on the school community.
2007-2008: Interdisciplinary Science & Language, $2,878
2008-2009: Calculator-Controlled Robots, $4,600
2015-2016: Bill Nye STEM Videos , $1,194
2015-2016: Feel the Buzz, $719
2016-2017: If They Build it They Will Have Fun and Learn, $600
2017-2018: USA Science & Engineering Festival, $1,276
2017-2018: Gamify Your Science Classroom, $2,000
2018-2019: X-Stem Conference 2019 in Washington, DC, $1,560
2019-2020: USA Science and Engineering Festival, $1,500
2020-2021: It's For The Birds, $1,075
12. LIS Playground
Students at LIS produced this “thank you” video after LTEF funded new playground equipment in the 2018-2019 school year. It’s amazing what they’re learning at LIS and we’re so proud to be a part of it!
2018-2019 A variety of free play tools; $1500
13. Lending Library
“I am a kindergarten teacher at Slackwood School. I have been fortunate to receive three grants from the LTEF during my time here in Lawrence. These include a grant to set up a lending library in my brand new pre-k classroom, a grant to bring content driven computer software …
… for all kindergarten and preschool children at Ben Franklin, and a grant for DVDs of songs, including sight words, math concepts, and social skills, for all students at Slackwood. These grants have all made learning come alive in a fun and engaging way for the children. Without LTEF, they would not be possible. It is wonderful to know there is a group of people to whom I can bring the dreams I have for my students, and they will make them into a reality. Thank you LTEF for the huge impact you have on the Lawrence community of learners every day!”
2005-2006 Learning to Read: Early Literacy Lending Library, $1,150
14. WILD Windows
WILD Windows creates and embraces 'curious minds' at LES. Having living things (fish) join our school culture keeps our students thinking, predicting, questioning, and learning …
The program focuses on an Environmental Education Initiative for students to obtain observations, responsibility, and life-cycle skills/knowledge while hosting living things (fish) in our classroom windows. We have 3 different fish aquariums for students to interact with throughout the school day. Students are involved in our three classes throughout the process, from beginning to end, providing a healthy climate for living for our adopted pets. Each window is fully furnished with a representation of oceanic themes to support attributes of aquatic experiences. These wild windows are an ongoing environmental resource for students that support our science standards, as well as the Disciplinary Core Ideas in New Jersey Student Learning Standards in STEM education.
2016-2017 WILD Windows, $1,172
15. MATH: Lending Libraries, Smart Cameras, and more!
Lisa Sassaman is a 20-year veteran teacher who tirelessly innovates in the classroom. Her legacy of going above and beyond with LTEF started with a grant for a Math Resources Lending Library ...
Since then, with LTEF as her partner, she’s grown the district’s investment in the lending library, math games, smart cameras, and more!
Nine grants from 2004 to 2021, totaling over $22,000!
16. Fit for Life
Greg Zenerovitz is the former Director of Athletics at Lawrence High School and now an Assistant Principal at Lawrence Intermediate school. In 2006 he applied for a grant to help fund cardio equipment and realize the vision of a fitness center at LHS.
2006-2007 Fit for Life, Wellness for All, $8,401
2007-2008 Fit for Life II, $10,902
17. Grants for Music and The Arts
Dr. Damian Bariexca, Assistant Principal and former Supervisor of Educational Technology and Related Arts overseeing fine, performing, and practical arts, libraries, and technology programs across the district, shares his reflections on funding programs for arts and enrichment that benefit LTPS students and the school community.
Jammin with Jamhub, 2014-2015, $3,500
SmartMusic, 2014-2015, $596
Sounds of Music, 2014-2015, $1,613
Lights Up, 2014-2015, $1,512
LMS arts festival, 2014-2015, $4,000
World Drumming, 2014-2015, $2,000
Mel Lepzig, 2014-2015, $3,000
Eco del sur artist in residence, 2014-2015, $1,000
the halls are alive with the sound of physics, 2014-2015, $248
Opera Philadelphia Don Carlo, 2014-2015, $490
students making cultural connections through music, 2015-2016, $5,935
Lapel Microphones, 2015-2016, $10,000
LHS Timpani, 2017-2018, $7,794
Using STEAM Tools to Engineer Sound in Music, 2017-2018, $463
LHS auditorium Communication Improvements, 2018-2019, $1,936
LHS Tubas, 2018-2019, $4,842
18. A Global Neighborhood
What happens when you combine photography, composition, slam poetry, and opera with 5th-grade curriculum? Former teacher and LTEF board member, Jane Fetter will tell you!
Global Neighborhood 2001-2002, $6,455
19. Mindfulness Practice
Michele Immordino shares her student's experiences and the benefits of mindfulness practice from an LTEF grant subscription to the Educalme Classroom platform, which provides daily mindfulness practices at Eldridge Park School.
Mindfulness Practices for Eldridge Park Students and Teachers 2018-2019, $1,316
Mindfulness for LES and BF Students and Teachers 2019-2020, $1,870
Mindfulness Training 2019-2020, $440
Mindfulness Practices for the EPS School Community 2019-2020, 935
20. I Believe I Can Climb
LTEF provides grants for important equipment that not only strengthens the upper body but also builds confidence and perseverance! See future Ninja Warriors (and see if you can spot a past American Ninja Warrior).
I BELIEVE THAT I CAN CLIMB!! 2017-2018, $475
I Believe I Can Climb Too 2017-2018, $472
21. Nathan Tepper, LIS, and LTEF Win Together
While at LIS, student Nathan Tepper experienced the benefits of our grants, both in the classroom and on the playground. Then, he won a writing contest, sharing his thoughts about LTEF’s grants.
22. Dr. Mindy Milavsky reflects on 20+ years of grants and partnership with the LTEF
Dr. Milavsky reflects on what 20+ years of grants and partnership have meant to her schools and the students who have benefitted …
… from classroom resources to beautification and facilities improvements to arts and cultural programs. As she says, "Thank you to everyone in our community who supports the Foundation! You are truly making a difference."
Critical Issues: Responsible Behavior 1998-1999, $1,000
SCREAM Theater 1998-1999, $500
Stress Busters 2003-2004, $3,000
Bullying in Schools 2004-2005, $1,700
Sit and Read 2012-2013, $5,000
Project VOICE 2013-2014, $3,000
Teach Like a Pirate 2014-2015, $1,291
Mindful Teen Part 2 2017-2018, $1,200
Manners Matter! Pathway to College and Career Readiness 2017-2018, $395
Winter Grant 2017: Art Room 2017-2018, $50,000
Collaborative Learning Tables 2019-2020, $6,790
Keith Hawkins - Day of Understanding 2019-2020, $7,500
Nurtured Heart Approach Training 2019-2020, $4,000
Finding Your Voice to be Connected 2020-2021, $2,500
23. Gabrielle Casieri shares her passion for reading and 9 years of the Reading Madness Challenge.
Hear from Gabrielle Casieri as she explains how her passion for students and reading has led to her hair becoming a beautiful rainbow of colors — along with increased student participation in reading!
24. 1000+ Grants (and Counting)
Hear from Andrew Zuckerman as he shared reflections about 1000+ grants from LTEF and millions of dollars to benefit Lawrence Township students.
25. Travel the World in VR, from the Classroom
Watch Katie Miller Edwards and her students share their global travels from the comfort of their classroom.
26. Outdoor Learning at Ben Franklin
Hear from Ben Franklin Elementary School Principal, Jay Billy, as he shares outdoor learning with students in the Streamkeepers program.
27. A.I.R. and Students' Mental Health
Eileen Cramer shares A.I.R. (Attitudes in Reverse) and their therapy dogs as a way for students to destress and improve mental health.
28. Music and STEM Tech
Hear from Colleen LaFlamme about grants for Music and STEM learning, and enriching everyday classroom experiences.
29. Maker Space
Hear Melissa Lockett, principal at Lawrenceville Elementary School, share her experience and grant support for creating a "Maker Space."
30. Student Creators
Jon-Erik Stamatelos, Lawrence Middle School Technology Teacher, shares how LTEF grants have supported his programs and student creators in media and technology.
31. BONUS: Library & Media Grants
You didn’t think we’d wait a whole year to share our 31st birthday wish, did you? Watch Ewa Dziedzic-Elliott’s Lawrence High School student share her experience of LTEF grants for library and media.